Innovative residential product

Recently in California, USA a new product for the residential market was devised. The concept is designed for the families with more than one generation (for example parents over sixty years with sons in their thirties) who wish to close to each other, but do not want...

Make an inspection before buying

Submitted by admin on Fri, 04/17/2015 – 13:41. In countries like USA, it is a standard procedure on every transaction of buying and selling to make an inspection prior to the closing and day of the signature. In countries like USA, it is a standard...
Inspeccione al comprar

Inspeccione al comprar

En países como EEUU, es procedimiento estándar en cada transacción de compra-venta el hacer una inspección previamente al cierre y día de la firma. No obstante, en Costa Rica rara vez un cliente contrata a un experto para que le haga un diagnostico a la construcción...